Thursday, December 10, 2009
July 19, 2009: From the Muddy Banks of Boryeong
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Korean Style American Pizza
그래요? 네.
This probably sounds completely disgusting and extravagant to you, but being a girl who loves to mix all of my food together, I thought it was pretty good. Maybe I'm just getting used to Korea. Who knows. But I'm sure if these Koreans ever had American pizza in America, they would probably think it to be pretty boring.
In-ploo-en-ja chim (flu shot)--침'chim' actually means needle...I don't know the word for shot.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pepero(배배로) Day
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Stranger Encounters
So, I'm waiting on the train at Yeokgok station to go to Erin's house late one evening. There aren't many people around. I sit on one of the many empty benches to wait for the last train of the night. Then I hear this shuffling sound and I look over to see this very old Korean man slowly making his way toward me. I mean, very slowly. He's shuffling his feet and taking very small baby steps to advance. He finally stops right in front of where I'm sitting. He tries to mumble some Korean words to me and he looks like he's foaming at the mouth with spit. I was so afraid he would accidentally spit or drool on me I immediately got up and told him that I don't speak Korean (hanguk mal motayo) and motioned for him to sit down at my bench. He tried to baby step close to me and I backed away and just said "I don't speak Korean!" one more time before I hauled ass to the other side of the platform where there were some other people. I stand over near a bench with a couple sitting on it and then I hear that foot shuffling sound again. The little old man is pushing his feet in my direction! I start getting annoyed and wonder if any of the other people think it's strange that I am circling around these benches and he's slowly following me. Finally, I walk down around this vending machine, and when I hear him get to the side of it to go around behind it, I take off to way down the other end of the platform just as the announcement for the next train fills the air. I lost him. There's no way he could catch up with me before the train leaves. It's like a really cheesy horror movie, I feel like any second while I'm sitting on the train, I'll hear that shuffling sound and the scary old rabies man will come to get me...
The Crying Boy
This time I'm on my way to Itaewon to play pool on my pool league. I decide to get off at Yongsan station and take a cab from there to save time, not thinking about the potential traffic jam caused by the Korean Thanksgiving(Chuseok) weekend travelers. Yongsan is a pretty big subway station with a huge electronics mall attached to it. I'm not too familiar with this station, though, I thought I was when I decided to get off at that stop. So I get lost trying to find my way out and I start walking around the outside perimeter of the 3rd floor looking for a way down and head towards a parking garage. I get the feeling I'm being followed by this Korean boy behind me. It seems like he's trying to make it obvious because when I stopped to look down and see what's below me, he stopped and did the same in a mimicking way. After walking toward an obvious dead-end for pedestrians, I decide to turn around away from the parking garage and head back to the crowd inside. The boy turns around and does the same. So I stop, turn back and call him out.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
June---School Dinner Outing
Sun Jung, flipping the meat, and Young Joo observing.
I like to sit next to Hyun Joon, he has no idea what's going on too.
Some of the teachers at my school that I talk to.
The principal is standing on the left and giving a speech in Korean. He doesn't speak English and he's very peculiar.
MMMM. Chicken skewer/kabob things that we get from the open market acrossed the street from my apartment. They're pretty tasty, if you don't think about how long they might be left out for and if they really are made with chicken meat or not.
Um, yeah...I hope you realllllly like zucchini.
Free waffles with apple jam and whipped cream and some coffee or tea at the Star Billiards pool hall---one of our top 5 hangouts, especially since we became friends with the owner and his family.
Before.................................................... After
Window Shopping
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Seeing the Deftones!: Pentaport Rock Fest July 25th
I'm going to start jumping around in my blog now. I feel like I'm waiting too long to write about an experience and I'm afraid that I won't have the same thoughts about it in hindsight. Though, this would be the case regardless, I'm sure, unless I were to write my feelings during the actual experience. A recollection or memory can already be "colored" or embellished perhaps within 10 minutes after it happened. But this is the way I remember it:
After a late Friday night of drinking and playing pool at King Bar(where our pool league is) in Itaewon and staying out longer than we should've under the influence of Dewey(King Bar owner and Erin's team Captain) along with the adorable Fillipino cocktail waitresses there, we had to get up and get ready for the Pentaport Rock Festival. We slept until about 11:30 or noon, but we didn't get to our apartments until about 7, so it wasn't much sleep at all. Needless to say, we were hungover and not moving at a rapid pace.
Erin and I were to meet at the Bucheon station E-Mart so we could get some things for our camp out. We knew we could rent our tent at the festival. I stopped at the dollar store (technically, Cheun store as 1 Cheun Won is about $1) and I found a kind of wicker floor mat thing to sleep on, that folded out to be a decent size and two plastic, wicker looking pillows stuffed with some unknown material. Anywho, we grabbed some snacks and some lunch at Lotteria(fast food-I had this delicious shrimp burger that Erin recommended) and then off on the sub train to Incheon.
Directions are never easy in Korea. All we knew was the station to get off at and the bus number to take along with the name of the bus stop. We got lost...just a little. I mean, we knew where we were but we didn't know how to get where we were going. This is usually the case, isn't it? Anywho, we got off at sort of the right bus stop and then what? I noticed this Korean boy that got off the bus when we did and I asked him if he was going to the Festival. Luckily, he was. And he was really cool about helping us get our tickets when we got there and we even ran into him later where he gave us a schedule lineup of all the bands. Everyone is so nice here. It's almost unbelievable and strange, but refreshing.
We got our wristbands and our tent and walked over to the campgrounds. We found a plot and tried to start figuring out how the hell to put the tent up. Just as Erin was about to go ask someone way up at the front, these guys from the "raver tent" ran over and in their broken English, told me to relax and they would do it for us. So I yelled out to Erin and we looked over this flier they handed us to a secret rave party out on a beach in the southeast part of Korea. Then we gave them a hand.
Once our tent was up, we snacked on our chips and dip and ventured out into the festival area. Oh, and there was a hole in our tent that we were paranoid mosquitos would find and get into our tent being the resourceful former girlscout that I am, I fixed it:
(Yeah, that's right, it's a pad...with wings. It did the trick too ;)
We made our way to the music to catch the end of the performance by an Australian band that I can't remember the name of. We also watched the Korean 80s hair metal band Next perform. It was awesome! They were kind of like Iron Maiden/any 80s hair metal ballad rockers you can think of...except in Korean, and they looked pretty old. They have definitely been around for a while.
Sorry, it's a really bad picture, but maybe you can
get an idea of what they were like...(and don't forget to click on the pic to see it better)
Now for the Deftones! I noticed at the Jager tent that JagerBombs were only 4,000 won (a bargain), so we had a couple of those and put our bags in a locker. We went over to the stage when they started the sound check and it was already crowded. We pushed our way up pretty close, but when the show started, everyone got rowdy and jumpy and Erin had her camera and was getting claustrophobic, so we backed out a bit to the right and energetically watched from there. The energy at the show was unbelievalbe. It was a much better vibe than I've had at metal shows in America. The Korean kids at the show were just so happy and almost innocent in their rock demeanors. Everyone was jumping around, having fun, and truly enjoying the moment. There were a few moshpits, which when I examined I realized that they weren't very intimidating, so I convinced Erin to move up closer again. This time it was better; I think some of the early spaz dancers wore themselves out and were a bit more mellow. We got up to the front right of the stage and stayed there. Erin and I were smiling and dancing the whole time. They played for quite a while, old and new songs. There were maybe 2 or 3 crowd surfers the whole time and everyone was just being really cool and friendly in this shared sea of energy. The security would pass out bottles of water and someone would pour a little of it in his mouth withouth touching his lips and pass it around to whoever else was thirsty. Concerts are so much better here. That's why you should move to South Korea...just sayin.
The Deftones also did an encore song of 7 Words, the song that Erin really wanted to hear, so you can imagine her enthusiasm. We jumped around together and threw our fists in the air in harmony with the crowd. Oh, and everytime I would shout an "Ow!" or a "Woooooo!" after a song, other people would start doing it to. It was cute. We had high hopes of finding the Deftones afterwards and hanging out with them, but that didn't happen. Maybe next time...
We headed back to the tent to eat some more snacks. We wanted to go hang out with the Korean ravers who helped us put up our tent, but we were so exhausted we just tried to sleep. Our tent was not far away from the rave tent, so we hear loud techno and acoustic guitar songs in between until 5a.m. It was hard to sleep, but it was also hard to get up. At one point I could here a big group of them singing What's Going On by the Four Non Blondes, you know, Kumbaya style. It was really funny because you could tell they didn't really know the words to the song, just the "Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah, What's goin on?"
We woke up at 9 and decided we should just go. We took the tent down ourselves while the ravers where doing yoga and meditating (confirming our suspicions that they DON'T do drugs). Then we went home.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Our 1st Korean Subway Train Experience
We had no idea what we were doing and those seats we are sitting in are actually for the elderly, disabled, or pregnant folk. Ooops.
I think after I leave Korea, I will have no problem using public transportation anywhere in the U.S. At least it's in English there.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Things you should know when you come to visit me: a.k.a. Korean Etiquette
Be careful when walking on the street and sidewalks. Even if you are at a crosswalk and the little green walking man appears and the light is definitely red, there is still a chance you might get hit. I've been in taxis and buses that run red lights all the time and it's a little un-nerving. However, this doesn't stop the fearless Koreans for they will start walking across a huge intersection just before the walking sign appears. And the sidewalks aren't safe either. People on motor bikes and scooters, especially those who are delivering food, will constantly be riding down a crowded sidewalk and you just have to move out of the way. And in Korea, everyone delivers; not just Pizza and Chinese places. Watch where you're going and you'll be fine.
And speaking of watching your step...keep a lookout for huge, hocked up loogeys all over the place. It's considered very rude to blow your nose in public or mess with your hair too much while dining, however, it it perfectly acceptable at any given time outside to hock up a huge loogey and make the loudest, most disgusting sound possible and then spitting it out anywhere on the street or sidewalk. I find this to be gross! I can hardly stand it; I might flip out on somebody one day. And supposedly, it gets worse in the winter. EW!
Never trust a picture.
It's really helpful that most Korean restaruants have pictures of most of the items on their menu or even fake food displays of what it really looks like. However, that doesn't mean it is what it looks like. Pretty much every time Erin and I say, "oh, let's get that breaded chicken looking thing with the cheesey stuff and those mashed potatos with gravy," the result is nothing close to what we thought. Solution: forget everything you know about food and don't try to compare Korean food to anything remotelyWestern (except for the fried chicken, which is delicious!)
Take Cover.
You can show your legs, but not your collar bones. Girls rarely wear tank tops here, even in the hot summer. It's just one of those things. The fashion is weird here. They will wear these long baggy shirts that cover their chest and shoulders, but often wear short shorts or skirts with high heels...or they will wear jeans, but always with heels. Coming from Florida, I'm all about some tank tops and bearing my shoulders. This causes people to stare; but they stare anyway since I'm one of the few white girls around this area, so what's the difference. Anywho, if you are a girl with big boobs you better stay covered up because they are not used to that here and they might even ask if you are Russian implying that you are a prostitute. Luckily, I don't have heaving bosoms for anyone to gawk at.
No shoes, service.
In the traditional Korean restaurants, you eat on the floor and you have to take your shoes off when you come in the restaurant. I also have to take my shoes off at school and put them in a locker at the teachers' door and I wear some cheap Korean slipper/flip flop type shoes that are pretty comfy. (Oh, and the word "service" means "free" in Korea. If I buy some nail polish, I might get some free beauty samples and they will say "service." This also goes for food and pretty much anything you buy. It's awesome! I love getting free stuff!)
Unsuspecting Compliments.
Here are some of the sentences I hear from my students, co-workers, and Koreans in general that are supposed to be compliments:
*Teacher, you have a perfect S-shape ~or~ You have a cola bottle shape.
Translation:You have great curves.
*Your skin is very pale/white.
Translation: The paler, the better in Korea. Most Koreans, especially women, strive to be as pale as possible and they even buy make-up with skin whiteners in it and carry around parasols to shield the sun from their skin. This is probably one of the reasons they all look so young...and never get skin cancer.
*You have a small head/face. ~or/and~ You have big eyes.
Translation: I'm sure you've seen Japanime before and noticed that they all have big eyes and small faces...another desired trait amongst Koreans. Some women even get surgery on their eyelids to make their eyes appear bigger.
Most of these compliments are just statements in general about the way you look and it's hard to tell when they are meant to be a good comment or just a comment. A lot of my students are fascinated by my arm hair and will randomly rub my arms if I am close enough to them.
Also, a lot of people will try to talk to me and they always ask, "Where are you prum?" This is probably one of the few countries I actually admit to being an American in because they LOVE Americans here. Especially teachers. They look at me and see their childs ticket to Harvard or something. I like to reply in Korean: Me-guk aesuh whasayou (I came from America). But it gets a little ridiculous at times and sometimes I'm just tempted to say I'm from France (Koreans also love the French style and there are lots of French cafes here) so that no one will try to speak the 5 words they know in English to me or ask me if I can hang out with them and help them improve their English.
Other things people will ask you:
*How old are you?
This might seem rude or like a faux pas in our society, but in Korea the way you speak to a person largely depends on their age. You must speak polite to everyone, but there are different levels of this and they are much higher and different when you are talking to someone older than you. Korea is definitely all about the fillial piety, if you will.
*Are you married?
This is a big deal as well. Most men will ask me if I'm married before they proceed to talk to me, I don't know the details on this one. But I've noticed that not a lot of women wear wedding rings that are married. The younger married couples definitely do though. Traditionally, the woman keeps her name in Korea as well, but the kids always take their father's last name.
I'm sure there will be more things to add to this blog, but this is a good start, for now.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Bucheon Yangji Elementary: The Kids in Korea
These are my 3rd/4th grade after-school students. [Oh, and minie Vrenlie is the one on the left front in the light pink and yellow.] Ever since we first played musical chairs, that's all they ever want to do. "Jesshica teacher, let's play the muzhic chairs game!"
The 5th/6th grade after-school class is a little more shutter shy than the younger ones. I could only convince these 4 5th grade girls to pose for the pic...
Yeah, that's right, I have my own entrance ;p
"All I want is a [school] with view...doo doo do."
Saturday, July 11, 2009
English Village: May 23rd
She's trying so hard not to snatch her up ;p