Sunday, December 6, 2009


I woke up early-ish saturday morning to "volunteer" in Songnae. My room felt rather chilly and it had been raining all night, so I decided to pile the layers onto my body and wear my rain boots just in case it was wet outside. I walk down the stairs and out of my apartment building, and saw some stuff floating in the air, which I first thought was trash or some kind of flower pollen. Then I realized it was snow! I had to take off my mittens and feel it to make sure it was real. It looked like little clumps of fluffy, shaved ice. It changed my morning mood to a pleasant one, even sans coffee, and I became distracted from the harsh cold weather and delighted to be walking in the big snow flurries. I know it sounds cheesey, but it was exciting to me--being from Florida and all.

Yes, it was magical and beautiful the whole way to the neighborhood I was due to teach at...that is until I got off the bus and had to walk to their apartment in it. The wind picked up and the snow began pelting me in the face and I was completely covered from head to foot in it by the time I got to my tutoree's apartment. It stopped snowing during my class, but I got to admire it from their balcony window for a little while longer at least. I didn't get any pictures of it, but next time, I'll try to be more prepared.


  1. Hey! I hope this will work now. I've been keeping up w/ your blog and trying to leave comments but it wouldn't let me. I finally set up a gmail account so maybe this will do the trick... :)

  2. Hey, it worked! Yay! Anyway, that's cool about the snow. Erica is in Moab, UT right now and just got 10 inches - she was snowed in her driveway until her roommate came and pushed her car out. ;)

  3. whoa! that's a lot of snow! i hope it doesn't get that crazy here. it's better than rain though...for me, at least ;) Thanks for reading, i need to catch this blog up to date!

  4. Don't feel bad about the blog not being up to date - everything I do lately is, well, late! ;) Motivation requires lots of caffeine on my part... :) Erica just arrived home from Utah yesterday - she decided that driving through the midwest in the middle of winter would be a fun road trip! She just about gave mom a heart attack - and then when mom found out one of her overnight stopovers was at someone's house that she'd just met over the internet... well, it wasn't pretty. :)

  5. Oh, and she was driving on bald back tires! Literally there were huge patches of her tire treads that were completely rubbed off! Totally shiny smooth in patches! She didn't even know until she got back to Louisville and went for an oil change and tire rotation and the mechanic called her and mom back to see the tires! She took pictures and posted them to facebook. I would beat her to death w/ those damn tires if I wasn't so happy she made it home alive! :p

  6. I remember the days of being young and careless and driving on bald tires...that was so long ago, now I'm so paranoid when I drive that I check the air pressure of the tires every month to make sure they are at the perfect inflation level.
