Thursday, November 12, 2009

Korean Style American Pizza

I just finished eating pizza with the 5th grade teachers (for some reason Sun Jung and I are grouped as 5th grade teachers) and since I'm on a blog kick, I thought I'd share the experience.

What's so special about the Korean version of pizza you ask? Well here are the toppings on the 2 slices I just ate:

cheese (of course)
red and yellow peppers
...sounds normal so far, but wait, there's more...
potato wedges
crab meat
crumbled up nacho chips
something that tasted like salsa perhaps
yogurt sauce drizzled around the pizza near the crust
and speaking of crust, it was stuffed with sweet potatos

그래요? 네.

This probably sounds completely disgusting and extravagant to you, but being a girl who loves to mix all of my food together, I thought it was pretty good. Maybe I'm just getting used to Korea. Who knows. But I'm sure if these Koreans ever had American pizza in America, they would probably think it to be pretty boring.

In-ploo-en-ja chim (flu shot)--침'chim' actually means needle...I don't know the word for shot.

This has been the most chill week ever at school!
Monday--I taught the adorable, little 3rd graders, that I love so much because they actually pay attention in class and do everything I say.
Tuesday--I was under the weather, the cold weather that is, and got sent home to "take a rest" in hopes that my cold wouldn't turn into the Swine flu, or H1N1.
Wednesday--Still not feeling spectacular, but it didn't matter because the 6th graders had to study for another upcoming test so no English classes that day. (Not to mention the Pepero I received from some students who I encourage to suck up to me ;)
Thursday--Had a very light English class for the 5th graders, half of which revolved around a game that they played by themselves in pairs.
Today--Friday! I love Fridays and all the students know it. So I was already in a good mood when I got here (and the Cappucino from Paris Baguette also helped). Then I just found out that ALL of the students have to get their Flu Shots today. And it just so happens that the English room is next to the Nurse's room, so English classes are cancelled today. Why? I'm not exactly sure, but I think the kids all get to leave after lunch, too. I kinda feel bad for Sun Jung; she's running around crazy out there helping with this flu shot distribution while I get to sit in here and blog. But I don't think there's much I can do. And I offered to help.
In other news, I'm flying home for Christmas and New Years! The tickets basically cost me a whole month's salary, so you guys better plan an awesome New Years Eve celebration, and not just because it happens to fall on a Blue Moon this year, but also because I'm coming all the way from Korea to be there for it! I will get to celebrate 2 New Years this year because in Asia they celebrate the Lunar New Year. Jealous? ;P

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pepero(배배로) Day

Today is Pepero day. A holiday this huge company called Lotte invented to sell their chocolate covered cracker/cookie sticks. Usually they are long and thin and come in a box of about 20, I think. But today I've received 2 big Pepero sticks from 2 of my good students. I didn't have to teach any classes today because the 6th graders were reviewing and preparing for some more tests. So it was sweet of these students to come into my office after lunch and present me with the gift of Pepero. I'm sure Lotte is banking this week. Damn corporate giants and their cute holiday schemes. They are pretty tasty to come.
So I seem to have caught some kind of cold and my school, being paranoid of H1N1 and all that jazz, sent me home yesterday. And today I had no classes; holiday for me! I am a little worried ab0ut my lungs though. I don't know how my asthma will react to the winter here and I don't want a stupid cold to make them weak ;( But alas, I have Albuterol, so I'll be fine.
Anywho, I hope that this decreasing temperature allows (forces) me to blog more, because there are so many things I want you to know. "You," as in whomever happens to be reading this. Anybody out there?